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Garden Bird survey and scavenger hunt

Which birds can you find in the library?

Join the library's scavenger hunt

Come along on Monday 26 June from 3.30pm to see how many of our regular garden birds you can find in the library.  Pick up a tally sheet while you're in the library and participate in the NZ Garden Bird Survey at home sometime this week.

What is the NZ Garden Bird Survey?

Strong bird populations can indicate the environment is healthy. We know a lot about endangered native birds in the bush, but we don’t always know what’s happening in the populations of all the birds around us, particularly in urban and garden environments.

That’s why we need you to help us count them.

What we learn from the information about the birds in your garden, collected by you and your fellow citizen scientists, helps our researchers understand how birds are coping with environmental challenges. It also helps us build a long-term dataset to understand the impact of climate change on ecosystems and biodiversity.

All you need is one hour, on one day, from 24th June to the 2nd July 2023.