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Stepping Up

Device or Computer Training and Help


Needs some help with our library eResources? Check out our online tutorials



Our libraries offer Stepping Up courses for our community to learn to use the Internet and computers/tablets/phones and other technology based courses.  The Digital Steps programme is run in our libraries by trained staff members in classes of up to 6. These classes have been prepared by the Digital Inclusion Alliance Aotearoa Trust.

If you are interested in joining a class, please talk to our library staff. 

The best way to find out what we are currently offering, is to look at our events calendar


Digital drops ins 

Throughout the year we schedule drop-in sessions where you can bring along your laptop, phone, tablet or other questions relating to digital skills.  Our librarians will spend time working with you to help you understand and learn what you need to know, or book you in for a follow-up session.

Matamata Drop-in sessions held on Wednesdays from 9.30am
Morrinsville Drop-in sessions held on Tuesdays from 10.30am
Te Aroha Drop-in sessions held on Wednesdays from 10.00am

Please note that some libraries do not run sessions during the school holidays - Check our events calendar for more information. 



If you need one-on-one help for more than a standard 5 minute enquiry, you may request to spend one on one time with library staff via our ‘Book a Librarian’ service, In this 15 minute session, we can guide you on the topic you need, such as using the library app, downloading eBooks, basic guidance on computer or device use, or general library help such as finding information or books. You can book 2 sessions a year. Phone or email us and we will work on finding a time that suits both you and our team.