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Rug up and Read this winter

Want to expand your reading horizons this winter?

Looking for an excuse to stay home and read?

Wondering how to fill in the long nights?

Why not join our Rug Up and Read challenge!

To go in the draw to win a reading pack of snacks and snugglies, grab a bookmark with the challenges, read and record the titles, then drop it back into the library.  If you're more of an online reader, head over to the online tracker to sign up and record your titles before the end of September.  There are just 5 challenges for you to complete. Need some help finding books to complete the challenges, keep an eye on our Books&Reading page for handy hints.

We'd love to hear which books amazed you, which ones thrilled you, and which ones just weren't worth the pages they were printed on!

We have both a Youth and an Adult category, so the whole family can jump in and participate.


Happy winter reading!