Library Resources
Click each category below to see the resources we have available in each of our libraries.
Hot Picks
Our hottest titles are in one easy-to-find spot in each library, whether they are fiction or non-fiction books. Having all our highly popular/bestseller items together makes it easy for you to find a guaranteed enjoyable read even when you are in a hurry. This collection offers customers excellent value, $5 compared with the much higher cost of purchasing the item and with a 2 week issue period due to their popularity.
Our library staff monitor the popularity of titles and condition of the books regularly, with an average time for a title to remain in the Hot Pick Collection of 6 months.
Picture books and Board books
Discover our latest picture and board books titles on our catalogueTalking Books
We no longer have an active separate DVD collection. Some DVDs are interfiled in our non-fiction and fiction collections.
We do subscribe to Hoopla Digital and this allows you to borrow/download movies, TV-series, documentaries or listen to music from home with your library card. Visit our eBooks, eAudiobooks &eMovies page for more information on how to get started with Hoopla.
We have a range of children’s and adult books in te reo Māori, as well as a comprehensive non-fiction collection relating to Mātauranga Māori such as:
- Kapa Haka / Performing Arts
- Kīngitanga / Māori King Movement
- Mana Wahine / Māori Woman of Influence
- Māori Battalions
- Ngā Pakanga Whenua O Mua / New Zealand Wars
- Puurakau / Māori Ancestral Histories
- Rangatiratanga / Leadership
- Raranga / Weaving
- Taiao / Environment
- Tainui
- Tikanga / Social Life and Customs
- Whakairo / Carving
The following newspapers are available in the library:
New Zealand Herald & Waikato Times: current and previous month.
Scene Matamata: current and previous 2 months. Digital copies of older issues are available by request from The Scene directly.
Morrinsville & Te Aroha News: current and previous 2 months. If you know which issue you are after, you can also request to look at them at Morrinsville & Te Aroha News offices directly.
Matamata Chronicle: current and previous 2 months, 2007 onwards available online via Pressreader.
Piako Post: current and previous 2 months. Bound copies of 1939-1947 and 1977-2017 issues available at Morrinsville Library. 2007 and onward issues also available online via Pressreader.
We also subscribe to PressReader which gives access to hundreds of national and international newspapers and magazines on your PC or mobile device.
Our libraries have a range of print magazines. We also subscribe to PressReader which gives access to hundreds of newspapers and magazines on your PC or mobile device.
Local History
Our Libraries have a range of books, news paper articles, DVD’s and more with information about our local history. If you are interested in how we got here, the events that happened on the way and the people that made it all happen, our Local History section is the place to go. Please see a Librarian to point you in the right direction and help you with your search.
On the hunt for more local history why not one of the museums in the district:
Morrinsville Museum have a range of permanent exhibitions and short term displays that you can explore and learn the important moments in Morrinsville's history.
The museam can help you find answers about the area and local families using information from files of material donated by residents or relations, a microfiche search, a microfilm search, or a search in Papers Past. The first half hour of research is free and thereafter $12.00 per hour.
Te Aroha Museum have a range of permanent exhibitions and short term displays that you can explore and learn the important moments in Te Aroha's history. They hold over 145000 items in their collections ranging from objects, photo's, archives, local newspapers and books, including historical information on local houses, gold claim maps and cemetery records.
They can help you with your research of a $20/hour fee.
Council Documents & Electoral Rolls
Most Matamata-Piako Council & Waikato Regional Council documents, such as bylaws, agendas and minutes for council meetings can be found online. If you are having trouble finding information please ask our staff.
The library do have some physical copies of Waikato Regional Council plan change submissions available
Local Electoral Rolls & Telephone Books are also available at each branch. The full national Electoral Roll is available at Matamata Library.
Free Computers and Internet
Free Internet and computers are available during library opening hours. We have Chromestations and Chromebooks available to library members and visitors to our district. Everyone is guaranteed 30 minutes use per day, or longer if there is no one else waiting. Free Wifi is available 24/7 in and around each of our library branches.

Printing and Scanning
Black & White and Colour printing/photocopying is available at all our branches.
We also have free scanning to USB or e-mail available at each branch.
Library Programmes
The Libraries run a number of programmes for all ages.

eBooks, eAudiobooks &eMovies
Can't find what you're looking for?
Also see our wide range of online resources, including eBooks and eAudiobooks, online databases like PressReader and EBSCO Discovery, and many more!