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Christmas Opening/Closing Dates 2024


As we all enjoy the holiday season with our friends, families and loved ones, all libraries will be closed from 12pm on 24 December. We will reopen on 6 January at 9.30am. While we are closed, you can still:
  • Return books in the after hours slots
  • Connect to the free wifi available outside the libraries (Connect to: APNK Library; Password: apnk2765)

Running out of reading material? You can still use our online library, all you need is your library card and PIN/password (click here for instruction on how to reset your pin)  to:

Please note that the following programmes will end on 6 December 2024 and resume on 10 February 2025:

- Toddler Time

- Wriggle and Rhyme

- Bricks for Kids

- Code Club


The last meeting of the Morrinsville Book Chat Group is 19 December. Meetings will resume on 20 February. The last meeting for the Matamata Book Chat Group was 21 November and will resume on 20 February 2025.


The last meeting of the Te Aroha Stitch Circle is 21 December. Meetings will resume on 15 February 2025.


The last meeting of For the Love of Reading will be 16 December. Meetings will resume on 3 February 2025.


Matamata-Piako Libraries staff wish you a restful break and we will see you in the New Year!

Christmas Opening Hours